Caring for your bags
First of all… Take extreme caution if you are smoking hash while making hash. Besides judgemental errors there’s a chance you might accidently burn a hole through one of your Bubble Hash Bags.
- Always rinse your Bubble Hash Bags by hand thoroughly with ice-cold water immediately after use (Never use warm/hot water or any type of detergent). Oil expands with heat which will clog your bags very quickly.
- If the first step didn’t quite do the job then do it again.
- Hang your Bubble Hash Bags in a safe area and make sure they have dried properly before packing them away in their carry bag (Rolling your bags rather than folding them helps prevent unwanted creases).
- Never leave your Bubble Hash Bags in the direct sunlight for long periods of time. Although the Canvas is UV resistant most things man-made or not deteriorate quicker in direct sunlight.
- Store your Bubble Hash Bags in a cool dry place.
- Never squeeze the material into your Bubble Hash Bags to remove the water, that’s what the press screen is for. This will clog the screens making it extremely difficult to filter the water through the finer micron Bags.
- If your Bubble Hash Bag mesh becomes clogged it can be cleaned using 99% isopropyl alcohol with a fine-haired toothbrush or small paintbrush. Never submerge your bag or Mesh in the isopropyl alcohol. Carefully clean the Mesh small areas at a time making certain the isopropyl alcohol does not come into contact with the stitching. Although repairable this may void Warranties.
If you are unsure of any of the above or would just like to ask random questions that we might be able to answer please email us at info@hashitall.co.za or talk to us on Social Media.