Hash has been around for many centuries with the earliest known written recording from almost 1000 years ago.
There are definite advantages to using hash rather than green for medicinal or recreational reasons. If one were to look at green zoomed-in twenty times you would see many tiny little clear pedestals with globules attached at their ends. These are called trichomes and carry over 90 per cent of the greens goodness.
Hashing your green is collecting all of those little globules which contain almost all of that goodness. Therefore making a concentrate of that goodness enables you to accurately dispense it, store it more easily and for longer as well as it being a far healthier option.
Hashing your green is one of the purest forms of collecting that goodness without having to use dangerous chemicals like alcohol when making oils etc… all you need is green, water, ice and your Bubble Hash Bags of course. Goodness Gracious… that’s a lot of goodness just waiting to happen.